Friday, December 08, 2006

Well what did you think was going to happen?!

Chris and I went lamp shade shopping today. I was looking for hat material and he was tagging along. We were wandering around Home Depot and not having much luck. This particular Home Depot doesn't stock isolated lamp shades. You have to buy the whole lamp. This is an expensive proposition, but I was looking anyway in the hopes that I would find something useful. Chris was pointing out a few things that might have worked, but finally I called a halt.
"There's nothing here that's going to work."
"What about that one?"
"Eh... Maybe, but it's expensive and I can't try it on."
"...Try it on?! You want to try it on?"
"Well....yes. It's going to be a hat. It needs to balance right and it needs to look the way I want it to look."
"You expected me to come along with you while you tried on lamp shades?"


Copper said...

you do know that target sells lamp shades separately, right?

MeleeMistress said...

Yes. And so does Lowe's at the Waterfront, as it turns out. So I am now the proud new owner of a small, boring lampshade. :)

MeleeMistress said...

...which I was able to try on in the store.

Anonymous said...

There's a sketch of Santa wearing a lampshade in full party mode in Friday's WSJ.
And on a shopping note from experience, it's hard to evaluate lampshades from the inside, since they tend to cover your eyes.