Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Will the Man With the Green Aliens Please Stand Up?

As some of you are aware, I have a prints account on deviantArt. It's a blissful thing. A few years ago I paid a one time fee to start an account. In return, they handle every aspect of selling prints, from printing to shipping to collecting payment. I just sit back and wait for the money to come rolling in.

I've been waiting since 2004 with nothing much to show. I've sold a print here and there, but the profit margins are pretty low, so I haven't earned much. And I haven't actually been paid anything because dA will not mail you a check until you've earned at least $20. Like I said, the profit margins are slim.

Well that all changed today. I got an email saying that my check has been mailed. It turns out someone, or a few someones, bought prints recently, pushing my profits up to a check-mailing level.

This wouldn't be a blog post if that were the end of the story. The point here is that I am a moron. I forgot to update my mailing address when I moved. It didn't even cross my mind. So some CMU kid is going to get my check in his SMC. I have emailed dA so hopefully now that they have the correct address they will resend the check.

P.S. If you happened to be one of the buyers that triggered today's events, first of all, thanks! And secondly, please please please tell me how the print looks when it arrives. The prints that sold most recently are ones that I haven't seen before, so I want to know if they look good. If not, let me know and I'll make it right.


lapnews said...

The little green alien guys are a little bit soft-focus. The color looks pretty much as I remember it from CMU.

I really enjoy that painting.

lapnews said...

C'mon, you're too modest. Tell 'em about landing the 30-pound Redfish!!!