Friday, September 08, 2006


First of all, my sister is fine. I talked to her and apparently she's back on her surfboard. We'll see how long she stays out of the ER.

I've got 2 weeks of classes in the bag (13 more to go!) and so far my schedule is shaping up to be weird:

Algorithm Design and Analysis
Entrepreneurship for Computer Science
The Interactive Image
Painting: Materials and Techniques
Senior Project

The painting class is the most interesting so far. It covers pretty much everything about painting, starting with making your own paints from raw pigment.

So last week I found myself in an art store picking out jars of pigment and getting worried. There are no warning labels on this stuff. And yet:

Cadmium Red - cadmium
Cadmium Yellow - cadmium
Viridian - Chromium Oxide
Cinnabar - mercury

I think it's the art world's incarnation of natural selection.

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