Monday, May 22, 2006

Travel Prep: Part 2

Status Update: It's Tuesday. I leave Thursday.

I was getting prescriptions filled today and I ran into an interesting problem. My insurance provider will only cover a month's worth of doses for any medication. So I had to pay full price for the rest of my malaria meds. That particular medication is cheap, so it wasn't an issue. If I had more time, I probably could have worked this out with my insurance company.

I've been drafting packing lists since the beginning of May and I keep asking myself how much I want to bring in the way of disposables (tissues, shampoo, etc). I am constantly reminding myself that I will be able to buy many such things there. So I am concentrating my efforts on acquiring things that I definitely won't be able to get in Sri Lanka. Such as:

Rumor has it that Sri Lanka's coffee is only distantly related to the American version. I'm all for cultural immersion, but I'm also a miserable morning person. In the interests of international diplomacy, I'll be bringing a stash. And this Coffee Maker
Simple coffee.

Toilet Paper
Also a rarity in Sri Lanka. Travel tissue packs will be my friend.

Insect Repellant
To fight off those pesky disease carriers. Find the stuff with DEET.

Money Belt
I'm not actually convinced that this is necessary for a resident (as opposed to a tourist) but I'll bring one anyway. Losing my passport would be miserable.

Travel sized. Just enough to tide me over until I can get some real stuff.

Pepto Bismol
My doctor recommended this. He also gave me a few doses of something stronger if that doesn't work.

Suntan Lotion
As it turns out, my malaria meds make my skin even more sensitive to the sun than it already is. Curses.

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