Monday, August 21, 2006

How to be Stupid

I'm supposed to leave for Pittsburgh in 2 days and I can barely move. And it's all my own fault.

I've been complaining all summer about losing muscle due to lack of protein and exercise. So since I got back I've been trying to do something about it. Mostly, I've been renewing my acquaintance with weights and treadmills, which, while effective, aren't at all fun for me. Yesterday, though, I had a chance to do something that is fun: gymnastics.

I haven't practiced with any regularity in about 6 years, and lately I've been averaging about 1 session per year, so I'm not exactly taking myself seriously. But I like to remind myself how to tumble every so often, and gymnastics is a killer work out.

For starters, the practice session is 2 hours long. I practice during an open gym session, meaning I have complete freedom to do whatever I want, as long as I'm not being overtly stupid or unsafe. Covert stupidity is absolutely acceptable, and, one might argue, the whole basis behind a sport that involves throwing oneself headlong at the floor in the hopes of catapaulting up again in a safe, controlled manner.

So I was practicing covert stupidity yesterday as I threw tricks that I was in no shape to be trying. It should be noted that I completed most of them with resounding success, and I sustained no injuries. And I can still do back flips. So there.

Today I got to deal with the aftermath. Everything hurts. As I said, moving is painful. Walking is agony. Coughing is unthinkable. I'd rather just choke to death. Fortunately, my allergies aren't acting up, or I'd be sneezing right now.

And before you all ask, yes I stretched. Very thoroughly. Before and after.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Dude. Hot rock massages.